lunetta Explorer Bags

Lunetta Bag Path
Mr. Lunetta Explorer Bag patch. Photo: SMRA.

Check out an Adventure! Borrow a bag of explorer tools along with ideas for exploring nature. Get ideas for where to go and what to do to explore nature in Westchester County. [Explore more nature online.]

*** Explorer Bag Walks! Saw Mill River Audubon also offers guided walks to try out the Explorer Bags. Want to host an Explorer Bag walk in your community? Contact us to learn more.

To date, twelve libraries in Westchester County, New York offer free loans of Mr. Lunetta's Explorer Bags, a backpack with binoculars, other study tools and ideas for adults and children to explore local nature. [Participating Libraries]

The Explorer Bags are a joint project between Chappaqua Library and Saw Mill River Audubon supported by donations given in memory of Chappaqua naturalist Donald Lunetta. [Who is Mr. Lunetta?]

"The Explorer Bags are designed to be both educational and fun. They're an amazing tribute to a true naturalist," said Pam Thornton, Chappaqua Library Director,

"Don Lunetta connected children and families with nature for over 40 years as a neighbor and caretaker of Saw Mill River Audubon's Pinecliff Sanctuary. The Explorer Bags will continue his vision for people of all ages to get outdoors and discover nearby nature," said Anne Swaim, Saw Mill River Audubon Executive Director.

Explorers are encouraged to share their sightings and images on the project's Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @LunettaExplorer.

What's in the Explorer Bags?

Mr. Lunetta's Explorer Bags contain two pairs of binoculars, bird and tree identification cards, other nature study tools, and nature activity ideas for children and adults. Click on images for larger view.
Photography courtesy of Liza Wallis Marguilles, Snooty Dog Photography [].

Who is Mr. Lunetta?

Photo - Donald Lunetta, Sr
Donald Lunetta, Sr.  Photo: Lunetta Family.

For more than 40 years, Don Lunetta was a neighbor of Saw Mill River Audubon's Pinecliff Sanctuary in Chappaqua.

Don watched over Pinecliff Sanctuary and he also introduced visitors to sanctuary wildlife. After Don's death in July 2016, both the Chappaqua Library and Saw Mill River Audubon received donations in his memory.

In consultation with Don's wife, Jo Lunetta, the Mr. Lunetta's Explorer Bag project was begun to celebrate and continue Don's lifelong work of connecting people with nature.

To date, twelve public libraries in Westchester County have Mr. Lunetta's Explorer Bags for free loan.

  • Saw Mill River Audubon welcomes additional donations to continue and extend this project. Donate online here.
  • If you would like to help extend this project into other public libraries, let's talk!

where can you borrow these bags?

The bags are available for circulation at the following libraries:

Share your discoveries!

Share your Mr. Lunetta Explorer's Bag sightings and images via social media!

@LunettaExplorer #LunettaExplorer

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