field trip registration
Sunday, March 23, 2025
6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Woodcock Walk at Croton Point
See registration email
for walk details.
No Walk-Ins, please.

American Woodcock. Photo: Chris Wood Macaulay Library
Dress for the weather forecast. Bring binoculars if you have them. We will not have loaner binoculars for this walk.
- This field trip may be rescheduled or cancelled by a forecast of steady rain, heavy snow, winds above 20mph or lightning since we will be in an exposed location. We may still continue with light rain, snow or wind.
- We will contact all trip participants at least two hours before the meeting time if we reschedule or cancel.
- If still uncertain, check our web site calendar to see if any trip status change .
** If any questions, contact us: or 914-548-3235.