subscribe to our email lists
see below for list descriptions and privacy
list descriptions
- Saw Mill River Audubon Notice List offers updates and advance notices about upcoming or new events and alerts on environmental issues, 1-3 email messages a month
- Saw Mill River Audubon E-Newsletter offers a link to a digital copy of our newsletter, 4 email messages a year
- Advance Notice of SMRA Work Days offers notices about sanctuary work days, 4-6 email messages a year
- Bird Chat offers reminders of upcoming Bird Chats, 1-2 email messages twice a month
- Advance Notice on SMRA Big Trips offers notices about spaces available on our longer, multi-day trips, 1-2 email messages a year
- SMRA Pop-Up Field Trip Notices offers alerts about pop-up informal birding at area hotspots, scheduled with 1-3 days notice, 4-6 email messages a year
- Native Plant Garden Work Days offers reminders of upcoming garden work days, ~6 email messages during the growing season from mid-May to mid-September
list privacy
Our email lists are hosted on iContact, a highly-rated bulk email provider with strict privacy and anti-spam standards. Only the office of Saw Mill River Audubon will send notices on these lists. Subscribers to our lists cannot view the email addresses of other subscribers nor can they send replies to these lists. You may also view our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.