
who we are

We are a friendly community of people who enjoy exploring the outdoors. Our 1,100+ members are drawn from northwestern Westchester County, New York and beyond. All share a common desire to learn more about birds and other wildlife, and a common belief in the importance of preserving and protecting wildlife habitats. We hope you’ll browse through our upcoming events and join us for a field trip, workshop or community program.

upcoming events

click images for more info

Join us online for monthly Zoom programs and our twice monthly Bird Chats.

We also offer free small group birding field trips. Registration required to ensure a quality experience for all with limited numbers of participants.

Click “Upcoming Events” above to view our upcoming events or view our Google calendar below. We always update this online calendar if we have to cancel or postpone an event, or if we add a new pop-up event.

We record some of our Zoom events and offer them on our YouTube channel. Click above to see all available recordings.

click images below for details

special event!

what we do


We lead free field trips, workshops & programs to explore birds, other wildlife and their habitats.


We protect more than 300 acres of wildlife habitat in eight sanctuaries.


We advocate with Audubon New York & National Audubon on environmental issues. 

our latest newsletter

click above to download our latest newsletter

event calendar

our facebook feed

Below is a look at our Facebook page. To interact with our Facebook content, visit us at